So I just got back from a week long trip to Whistler, BC, and hot damn I had a good time. While I was away, I got to spend time with my family and snowboard a bit, but also got some new art completed as well as a new skate edit, and I got some new flicks to share too. Here is the board that I'm currently skating, thanks to my buddy Phillip who hooked it up with this awesome shape. I was hyyyyyyyyped, and still am. This thing is so fun. Anyways, after I put in a zillion hours of dottin on this piece, my buddy Jimmy sent me this: Fuck yes I entered, and I WON!!!!! Along with a few other cats who found enjoyment by creatively expressing themselves upon their griptape. I'm not really sure what I won, but they wanted my address so I guess their sendin me some shit. THANKS JUST LIVIN'!!! Follow em at @JSLV on instagram and check em out online at So while I was in Canada, I passed by this bar called Garfinkle's in Whistler Village that apparently has the largest dancefloor around, but more importantly, THEY HAVE A MINIRAMP...on thursdays. I had to check it out, so when Thursday night came around, my brother's girlfriend Emily shot these.... CHECK THESE OUT: EMILY GETTS PHOTOGRAPHY FACEBOOK EMILY GETTS PHOTOGRAPHY WEBSITE thank you so much Emily :) IT WAS SOOOO FUN!!!!! Super dooper live. The Dj was killin it too. His name is DJ Rich-A out of Vancouver, BC. Check him out HERE and like his page right now he deserves it. I had such a blast, along with every other person that was there. I wish more bars had miniramps in them. SHITWASDOOOOOOOPE. That was such a great trip. In other news, here's this: Paul Bond and I filmed this about 2 months ago or so right before the lights turned off at the park. Even though it was super dark, we kept filming. That edit will be in front of your face soon, so be patient.
WELLLLLL thats about it for now. Thanks for checking in, and have a wonderful day. Keep it gangster Seattle. -J Hell yes I got another artshow gig! This time my homie Ian hooked it up with some wall space at this new shop called Southwest Skate in WESTWOOD VILLAGE right by the Jamba Juice. I also got some new skate flicks to share as well as a video that my buddy Hector shot of the Marginal Way Benefit Show / MiniRamp Jam at the 2 Bit that I had so much at. But first, peep this nosebonk into a bank in Gerogetown. That was a pretty fun mission. I got some footy of this spot too that I'll post next week. Guess who shot that one? That's right, Sawyer Purman. He shot this one too about 20 yards away. Close by that spot is this one. I sent the following photos to SnoCon but they never used any of em for anything so I thought I'd share em here. Fun times. I even tried to make that front noseslide into a Nomadic Ad but the owner wasn't havin it for some reason. Oh well. Soooooo last last Saturday there was a benefit for Marginal Way Skatepark at the 2 Bit. They raised 1500 dollars. It went like this: Thats me walljaming over metal mark. I had such a great time. My buddy Hector shot a little video he called Stoking Wintertime check it out. Hanyways.... I got my art up at Southwest Skate, a new skateshop located in Westwood Village right by Jamba Juice and QFC for about a month so IM HYPED. After I hung em up a few nights ago, I instagramed some of the walls. Check it. Next time your on the south side of West Seattle, be sure to stop in and buy some product from em!!! Support your local CORE SKATE SHOP. 24th and Barton. Do it.
Alrighty then I think that's all for now. Thanks for stopping by, and have a spectacular day :) peas, -J 2013? So far so good. I got a lot to share in the Skateboarding, Art, and Music Departments and it's only Feb Fifth. Got a few clips and photos, got a whole bunch of new art, got some artshows coming up, and some rad music news that I couldn't be more stoked about. FIRST OFF... I just got hired at the ELEMENT YMCA SKATE CAMP!!!! I'll be teaching skateboarding and wilderness training in Fresno, California for the better part of the summer. I've been teaching skatecamps for the last 5 years, and figured that if I'm going to spend another summer teaching skateboarding, I might as well do it in California. This is the same camp that I was sent to in 2010 for winning the regional "Make it count" contest. I got to have a whole bunch of fun for a whole weekend and placed 2nd overall. It was a great time for sure. Here's the video of the event> In other skateboarding news, I'm still filming a Mukilteo Skatepark edit with my buddy Jake. We're allllllmost done. All we need is just one more night and we're finished. We were gonna wrap it up last night but it started raining agian. Anyways, here's a taste of what's to come... It was dry for most of yesterday though and I did get an awesome session in at my work. Usually on Sundays, nobody shows up until 1 or 2pm, even though we open up at 11am. This last Sunday, a 15 year old scooterer/filmer showed up right when we opened and wanted to film a little bit, so I did a whole bunch of varial flips. He went home later, put an edit together, and posted it to youtube! This is how it turned out... FUN TIMES. In other news, about a week ago, I posted this skate photo of a polejam tucknee stalefish from the Nomadic catalog, shot by my buddy Sawyer, to my instagram (@singlerstagram). A few days later, TAGSTERS MAGAZINE MADE IT INTO THEIR COVER PHOTO FOR THEIR WEBSITE!!! Check it out here: Thanks Eddie at Tagsters! I feel honored to be on the cover of your website for a week :) This got me stoked so I posted another photo from the catalog, this time of a frontside flip in the U District. That was a fun night. I did this about 50 times, tryna catch it like Levi Brown for the photo. This one was also shot by the talented and patient Sawyer Purman. Lastly in the Skateboarding side of things, I was going through some old photos and found some video clips of the trip to Europe in 2010 that I've never seen before! There was enough to make a little edit, so I did. ART STUFF I got a few more pieces of art since I posted last. First of all, I got this Seattle deck that I donated to a Marginal Way fundraiser at the 2Bit that happened 2 Saturdays ago. The coolest part about the experience of making this board happened later that same week. I used a reference photo that I found on Google Image Search for this board to make it as accurate as possible and found a cool view from a viewpoint that I have actually never physically been to. A few days after I donated the deck, I was traveling around Seattle way late one night with my buddies James and Spencer, and one of em had the idea to go to Kerry Park to look at Seattle in the fog. I had never been there before and was stoked to check the new spot. We couldn't see Seattle because it was just toooo foggy out, but we could see this: IT WAS THE SAME VIEWPOINT AS THE REFERENCE PHOTO THAT I USED FOR THE DECK!!!! mind = blown. I thought to myself " Hot damn I should dot Barcalona next" haha. But I didn't. I dotted Elephants instead. This 3 parter will be strait filthy. Yes that is a gettoblaster that the lead elephant is holding in the sketch. I got down on some Concrete Coffee Cups this last month too. This is how they turned out. Fun times. Lastly, some REALLY EXCITING NEWS. IM HAVING ART SHOWS AT CLOUD CITY SKATESHOP, HOTWIRE, AND SOUTHWEST SKATESHOP IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE. MORE DETAILS COMING SOON.... MUSIC NEWS The music that I make is now available to everyone with an Android smart phone strait from the GOOGLE PLAY STORE. Not only that, the full length 21 track album "Music Jason Makes" can be found on Amazon, eMusic, iTunes, LastFM, Myspace, Napster, Rhapsody, Spotify, Zune, and a handful of other online retailers so pick one up today!
CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT 'MUSIC JASON MAKES' ON AMAZON.COM Weeeeellll thats about it yall. Thanks for checkin in. Stay tuned for much much more and take care. -J This new year is definitely off to a good start. I got a new job at Staged By Design, I've been making a ton of art, I rocked a few open mics with a buddy of mine, I got new skate photos and videos to share, and most importantly, MY FIRST ALBUM IS NOW AVAILABLE ON iTUNES. I suppose I'll start off with the new flicks that my buddy Daniel shot at Marginal last week. Twas a great night. Lit up Marginal is my favorite place to be on the planet. Photos shot by Daniel Hager. Check him out at Also in the skateboarding realm, I just cut up a raw street edit of my wonderful trip to europe in the summer of 2011. Check it out! That was such a fun trip. I miss the other side of the planet so much. Anyways, while I was looking for that link just now, I came across an ALIVE AND WELL THRASHER FLICK!!!! NORTHWEST REPRESENT!!! SO HYPED ON THIS. Way to be A&W thats fucking filthy. MUSIC STUFFWell I'm happy to say that after about a month of checking everyday, my first album is officially on itunes and 27 other online retailers. Thank's Reverbnation for making that so easy to accomplish. Now anyone anywhere can purchase the 21 track album "Music Jason Makes" for ten bucks. CHECK IT. Click on the photo above for more information. The song below is the first track. ART STUFFAbout a week ago, I helped my buddy Paul design a logo for his new company Concrete Coffee Cup Productions. Check it out! Peep his Etsy page HERE, and purchase one. They're fucking rad. He also does counter tops, desks, and a whole bunch of other shit that's awesome. As far as other art stuff goes, here's a couple of new pieces from the "Pieces of my ramp" series that I'm making, followed by a board I dotted for a little local Mukilteo kid that wanted a dragon on his griptape. Well I think that's about it for now, but there will be much more soon. There's a lot of art, music, and skateboarding on the way so stay tuned!!! Thanks for checking in, and have an amazing January!!
-J Season's greetings y'all. This time around I got a couple of new pieces of art, a new video of some Georgetown street skating, and some awesome news about that marginal clip that me and my buddy Sawyer put out. First things first, here's a couple of boards that I dotted.... This is what I'm skating right now, and if you look closely at the board I'm skatin in the 'Jason @ Marginal Way' clip, you'll see that this is the board I was riding. In the video, it's only about a quarter of the way done but you can totally see the lion. In other news, yesterday my work got cancelled due to the rain again so I finished this piece: That's about all the art I have to post today, so lets move on to the vids. This is a clip that me and my buddy Paul filmed about 2 summers ago. I just found the footage in these last few days and made this. The main reason I made this is that I wanted to try to pull off a certain technique that I've been noticing at the end of awesome videos that I've been watching on youtube. I figured out how to do it and gave it a shot. Notice what happens around 1:10? Now getting to the Marginal clip and the Artshow video is a little easier. That aside, I'm happy to say that the Marginal Way Video has been getting some hype. With the weather that we've been gettin', I couldn't be more thankful that I have a place to skate as awesome as Marginal Way. They even put it up on their instagram!!! STOKED! TAGSTERS MAG also showed some love... SKIDMARK SKATEMAG posted it too! Thanks so much Element, Tagsters, Skidmark, and everyone else who shared this video!!!
That's about it for now. Thanks for checkin in, and come back soon! Have a happy and safe holiday. -J Well folks, it's that most wonderful time of the year again, and it just got a little bit better. My brother's girlfriend Emily came out to my art show / album release party last Saturday along with some friends and family and took some amazing photos! Check em out! - EMILY GETTS PHOTOGRAPHY - This was so fun. Thanks to Mind Unwind for letting me do this, Joel Goreman for playin some awesome tunes, Emily for taking such wonderful photos, Sawyer for filming the event, and everyone else who came out that night. I had a wonderful time and it wouldn't of been the same without all of you. Here's a video I made of the event with the footage Sawyer shot, cut to the music of one of the tracks off of my new album: "Music Jason Makes". The song is called Traditional Medicinals, and it will be available on iTunes any day now. Mind Unwind is rad. There's a lot of art there from many different artists, and THIS SATURDAY there's going to be a HUUUUGE sale on ALL of the art there so come on by and get your Christmas shopping done!!!!! ART-OPOCOLYPSE SALE @ MIND UNWIND DECEMBER 22 - 10AM-MIDNIGHT 2206 California Ave. Seattle, Wa. 98116 Later that week I went to Marginal Way skatepark and made this with the same filmer. I feel like this is my best work yet! At least as far as skateboarding goes. Barnteam Blackout comes in at a close second, but that's another story.... DONATE TO MARGINAL WAY Well that's about it for now. Thanks for checkin in, and have wonderful and safe holidays!!! I'll be back with more soon...
-J Here we go! This Saturday I'm releasing my first album and having an art show opening in West Seattle from 5pm until 8pm at Mind Unwind Art Gallery in West Seattle with live music by JG HOBBITSAUSE on the 1s and 2s... STOKED!!! It sure has been a fun November preparing for this thing. I already have enough griptape art for the show, but there was so much more that I needed to do. In the music department...![]() Earlier this month I submitted my CD digitally to 25 different online retailers including iTunes, Amazon,Google Play, and Spotify through an awesome website called Reverbnation. It will be available soon, I just don't know exactly when. I've read that it usually takes anywhere from a week to six weeks, so we'll just have to see. I'll continue checking everyday. ![]() Just yesterday I finished up burning and labeling 30 limited edition CDs for the show. Man that was tedious. Gotta do what I gotta do right? I found out that this is how you do it when your pretty much flat broke. I'm so happy that my ridiculously talented buddy Joel Goreman is gonna come out and play some music on his turntables and other musical equipment. SHITLLBERAD!!!! In other non-artshow related news, I made some videos of me playing instruments at my house. One morning while foolin around on the keys, I noticed that the snares on the snare drum were vibrating like crazy when I reached a certain frequency on the organ. I thought it sounded cool so I set my phone up in my shoe nearby and started recording. After I got done playin' the organ, I walked over to the drums and played a little bit of what I thought might sound cool behind it. I took the footage from my phone and layered it in premiere so the beats lined up, and it turned out like this... (yes i know the sound quality's bammer, but hey, it is from my phone) This sparked an incredible idea that I want to make a reality, but in order to do so ill need about 8 HD cameras, and some quality recording equipment. In the mean time, I made been using my phone to make these to give potential investors an idea of what I'm going for. This one was a lot of fun. It mostly lines up :) So I've been tryin to learn one of my favorite songs on the guitar and keyboard. I wanted to see how I was doin so I recorded myself on my phone. After I got done, I thought to myself why not just make another Solojam vid with it so i did. This is what it looks like. Just imagine these with like 8 or 9 angles that I could cut to, and audio quality that's second to none. It'll be sick trust me. In the Art Department... Got a few new pieces to share for the show in 2 days... I'm gonna have a whole bunch of stencil work that I've sprayed on pieces of my miniramp from my backyard. Here's one of the designs.... Gonna have a few paintings to show off as well. Here's one of em' im still workin on.... And lastly, of course I'm going to have more boards that I've dotted. Aaaaaand that's about it as far as art goes, at least for now. Ill post another art preview tomorrow... Aaaaaand in the Skateboarding Realm... Not too much news here, besides the fact that it seems like Nomadic Skateboards went belly up. The owner of the company is pretty much over it, which SUCKS because hot damn that company had potential. I spent hella time designing product for him too. Dude hasn't responded to any texts or phone calls since I sent him these designs. I tried to help this guy out because he was doing a shitty job at representing the company, and he obviously needed a hand. I started reppin for him, got boards into hella shops all throughout the northwest, took orders, delivered orders, picked up checks, filmed, collected footage of other riders, made videos, uploaded videos, broadcasted videos, designed postcards, designed catalogues, designed products, etc... apparently all for the experience. At least I learned a bunch of stuff. So I guess that's rad. Oh well, it's probably better this way. Dude was hard as fuck to work with. I haven't ridden a Nomadic for about 2 months now, but on the flipside, I just received a few decks in a box from element... all I gotta do now is film some shit on the boards and send the footage to em and my homie over there will put in a good word for me. STOKED! In other news, here's one of the latest tricks that I've learned... Hokay thats all for now!!! I gotta go!
Thanks for checkin in, J Hella stuff. These last 2 weeks have been busy. I finished dotting 4 boards (3 of em being part of the Wu Tang series I'm workin' on), won a skateboard contest, made some music, and a whole bunch more so keep reading if your interested. First of all, I hope 'er body had a fun and safe Halloween. Second of all, when I logged into facebook on the day of Halloween, instead of "What's on your mind" in the status box before you type in it, it read "What's your favorite Halloween memory?" Immediately I thought of last year's Halloween. My boss Kristin hooked it up with the dopest costume for this company party that the YMCA was putting on. The whole "Skate Staff" at the Muk dressed up as characters from Alice In Wonderland. I was the lion, and I couldnt have been happier. There was something about being all furry and having a tail that really felt awesome to me. It felt....home. Hahaaaaanyways, I wore that shit for like 3 days in a row and filmed some skating at marginal way with my buddy paul. It went like this: It's true. I had hella fun. This halloween however went a little something like this: I had hella fun in this one too. Except at the end of the best trick contest, I realized that I was the only one competing that could drink legally. I know it no big deal, but still I really wish there were more people there that were my age haha. I kinda felt like a dick for swiping the prize, but I really needed a deck. I haven't heard back from Nomadic in weeks, I'm about to snap the deck I just got from SnoCon (i only get one a month), and I'm still way too broke to go out and buy one. I would of been deckless in seattle till I got paid next on the 5th, if it wasn't for this! I really didn't need to share all that but there ya go haha. Whatevs, I had a great time. Thanks Steve G, and everyone else that made it happen. Hanyways, about two or three weeks ago I was kickin it with my buddy Sawyer and noticed a board on his wall that had the stencil of his production company on it. I told him it would real real dope to see that logo of the actual car with the letters cut out of it, instead of just the silhouette. Not in terms of changing the company logo permanently, but just as a nice piece of art for a wall. He said something along the lines of, "DUUUUUDDDEEE if you dotted a deck with that on it, I'll make a video for one of your songs!" I said heck yes and made this. Its actually the deck that I was skating in that best trick contest at BVSP! If you look carefully at the video, you can see this on my griptape: Here's the actual logo: I really like the way this one came out. Sawyer and the rest of Altrac Productions hasn't seen it yet but I bet they'll be hyped. In other boarddottin' news, I finished 3 more Wu members. First off, here's Ghostface. And here's Inspectah Deck. And here's M E T H O D MAN!!!! And here's a collab piece that I did a few days ago on one of my buddy Paul's Concrete Coffee Cups that he makes. Let see here....what else.... Oh yea! Im filmin a "MUK Minute" with my buddy Jake Menne. It's gonna be siiiiiiiiick. Here's a photo that Spencer took when we were filmin of a frontside 360 stalefish. Suuuuuuuper fun! I cant wait for that that to come out. I think it'll be released by next weekend latest. Speakin' of the Muk, at the semi-annual YMCA employee meeting, I got recognized for killin it in the workplace and received 2 pins and a piece of paper for it. I know it might not seem like much but it meant a lot to me. And uhhhhhhh....That's about it in the Art and Skateboarding departments within the last 2 weeks. Thanks for checkin' in. Before I go, I got another song for yuh. I made this one last month, but it never got posted, so here it is. Enjoy. ...or dont. ...or do. Alright my first REAL blog post on my new website!!! I'm glad I made the switch from Blogspot to Weebly and have my own url again. Feels much more comfortable here. SO WHY BLOG? Basically just to help me manage myself better. It's a little extra motivation to have to update something that I gotta keep relatively current. Every time that I create or am involved with something that has to do with music, and art, AND skateboarding, I post a blog. This happens anywhere from 2 to 4 times a month depending on how busy I am. So here we go again! What have I got for yuh since the end of September? You guessed it, more skateboarding, art, and music to flood your brain with. I got new boards that I've dotted, got a new song, a skate vid I got some tricks in, and some great news... Lets start with art. Boards I dot...Starting off with the board that I just snapped, here's a panda munchin bamboo relaxin against a tree lookin at the sun set over the water. And then there's this one. The second in the hobo series. The first one was on the great wall of china, this ones at the Seattle Center. After this, I plan on dottin a bum in the south of France. Next up, we got the GZA. This is the third in the wutang series. Check out my Boards I Dot album in the "Art" section to see ODB and RZA... Last and certainly not least we have Raekwon the Chef. The forth out of the wutang series. Only 5 members to go!!! Also I have an artshow coming up in December AND April at Hotwire coffeeshop in west seattle. More details coming soon. Thats about it, within the last 15 days or so... SKATEBOARDINGShane Aukland came to my work about a week ago and filmed this. I come in around :53 with a nollie backside 180 lazerflip. Poor Vince broke his foot that night. Get better soon Vince!!! And here's a photo of a frontside stailfish in the deep end of delridge that a friend found from the grand opening of this skatepark in the August of 2011. That's pretty much it in the skateboarding department in my life. Got a few things in the works though. Very soon there will be my very own Muk Minute filmed by Jake Menne, and also a Columbia City night edit filmed by Paul Bond. Both should be dropping by the end of this month. MUSICSo I made this about a week ago, and it really reinforced the fact that making these songs is quite therapeutic for me. I found the same thing with skateboarding as well. Making tangible art, not so much (that's a different sorta good feeling), but making music and skateboarding pluck the fuck outta my heartstrings. Such an amazing feeling. I'm sooooo addicted to it. Anyways, peep this new thang I called Shitllworkout. Cause life always does one way or another... In other music news... MY BUDDY DARREN DYK HIT ME UP AND SAID HE WANTED TO USE MY MUSIC IN HIS SLOW MOTION VIDEOS!!!! You can probably tell that I'm kind of excited. This is the first time that anyone has ever wanted to use any of my music for anything ever. Plus Darren's hella cool, so of course I said FUCK YES. Here are two vids he filmed and edited with MY FUCKIN MUSIC!!! AHHH!!! I actually made this track in high school and rapped over it with my homie Soren, who's MC name happened to be Ducksause at the time. He's going by Philosophical now and is killin it spittin and makin beats of his own. I'm super stoked that we still jam and freestyle a bunch. The only person I actually know in this is Steve Reeves. Well actually I don't know him that well, but he seems aight haha. All of the skaters in this flick are super good. Stoked that I got to be involved with this one musically. Also in music news, I'm currently in the process of uploading my first FULL LENGTH ALBUM TO ALL MAJOR ONLINE MUSIC STORES!!! It's a 16 track compilation of Beatzlogic music called "Music Jason Makes". I'm almost there! Just got to finish up mastering each track. Should be available by next weekend at the latest. Now that's a huge step in the right direction. Just gotta keep makin movement... Thanks for takin the time out to check me out. I think I'll leave you with one of my favorite songs of all time. Hokay have a great rest of your day! -J I will be updating this blog a few times a month with new art that I've made, new skateboarding videos and photos, and new music that I have produced.
In the mean time, CHECK OUT MY OLD BLOG HERE. I posted a new one about a week ago... |
September 2021