Busy! I will update this eventually. In the meantime check these out https://www.instagram.com/singlerstagram/?hl=en
Updates! What a wild ride it has been. I keep thinking "It's never been like this" every time I read a new headline. Trying to make the best out of a scenario that I can barely wrap my brain around, it's been interesting to navigate the current landscape. Work has been pretty slim but I did get to work on a handful of rad projects such as a fundraiser for the Pike Place Market foundation to help elder care facilities as well as PPP for small businesses in downtown Seattle, as well as some projects that focus on conversations about mental health, and a handful of online selling videos to help businesses in this very strange time. I always love working on stuff like that, it feels good to contribute even if just a bit to things that are making a positive impact on society, especially now. During this "great pause" I have also been able to skate and make art and create music more than ever. Since summer began, I came out with 32 skate videos, 6 art pieces, and have been creating a whole bunch of tunes. Check 'em all out out below!
First off, I want to share three recent creations that I am super duper proud of.
âJust got my @djiglobal #MAVICAIR2 in the mail last Friday and tested it out at #MathewsBeach, #Gasworks, and the #UniversityOfWashington. Found a sunflower, got to skate a bit of flatground in #redsquare, and flew around #huskystadium. Crazy timing of the wildfires happening all over the place makes the footage look like a dreamscape in a video game I friggen love this thing. New song from @aesoprockwins called The Gates
âFilmed by: @dontsleepink @shifty495 | Edited by: me This one meant a lot to me. Casual Industrees hit me up and told me that they wanted to make a promo video of me skating the new ramp set up created by Ryan Spence at All Together Skatepark. My buddy Jeff and the homies Adrien and Beetle came through to skate and film and over 3 nights we created this. Reminded me of the good 'ol days at Skatebarn West in 2012 when the park was closing for good, we set up lights and made one final video: BARNTEAM BLACKOUT. Even that was inspired by my old buddy Bryan who used to own Nomadic Skateboards in 2008 when we made NOMADIC NIGHTS. The whole "turning-off-the-lights-and-lighting-up-obstacles-at-skateparks-after-they-close" is pretty near and dear to me heart :)
Picked up some facemasks and other supplies from Casual Industrees. They are donating one mask for every two masks sold so get yours here: https://www.casualindustrees.com/ Then I got some bbq makins' and met up with Andy at Benefit Park! Super fun. Ran into OG Emerson and learned like 5 new ones over that hip. Thank you Andy and Emerson y'all are the cat's pajamas. â Music: Bow They Will by Odd Nosdam Heart, Of Glass by Blondie
Here's some of the art that I've been up to in the last months. Huge shoutout to some old friends for commissioning the Beatles and Evil Dead pieces. I had a bunch of fun working on these. Please let me know if I can make you something! I will happily make art for your home or business. You can reach out on fb, ig, or the CONTACT section of this site :)
On the skateboarding side of things, I've been cranking out fun lil edits just about every week. I love the whole process of pulling these off. The skating is always fun of course, but also choosing a rad song and editing them up is really fulfilling. Having the time to skate more often has been super nice, and I know part of me is going to miss it when things go back to whatever the new normal is. Anyways, here's some of the edits that I made during the last few months of the quarantine. For the rest of 'em check out my Instagram handle: @singlerstagram.
More skatin': @singlerstagram.
âBeen experimenting in the new jamspace too! I don't film these often, but when I do it's super fun. I'd eventually like to stream a set like this, with live video looping and all, but that's going to take a while to hammer out. Here are some roughs that I am working on. Much more to come :)
Lastly, and always, I have been focusing on improving my video production capabilities. Just like in skating, art, and music, the possibilities are endless and there seems to be an eternal amount of material to learn from. First off, I re-cut my reel with some new additions.
Also, I am working on a series of videos that highlight northwestern-ers doing what they love most. Dont know what I am going to call it yet. Anyways during the filming of one of these, I captured my craftsmen buddy Iain Graham creating a bass guitar in 960 FRAMES A SECOND AND HOLY CRAP IT LOOKS COOL.
That's all for now! Thanks for tuning in. Stay safe, stay healthy, and take care.
Also wear your mask. We're almost through it. I'm not an expert or a scientist but these people are. 5 Questions: Stanford scientists on COVID-19 mask guidelines https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2020/06/stanford-scientists-contribute-to-who-mask-guidelines.html Still Confused About Masks? Hereâs the Science Behind How Face Masks Prevent Coronavirus https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2020/06/417906/still-confused-about-masks-heres-science-behind-how-face-masks-prevent This is super important. And here's why: Virus death toll linked to Maine wedding grows to 7 https://apnews.com/263d072466b2152f175c24f7775b00df This just happened. This is not over yet. It will be soon if we look after one another. We got this! Cheers! â J
It has been a nuts coupe of months. As we all know, there is a great tragedy happening right now. It's never been like this, and I hope it comes to an end asap. It really does feel like we are living in some terrible nightmare. The world is on hold, and this is still the beginning. Every morning I check into three sites to update myself on the corona situation, one for local updates (My Northwest), one for world news (CNN Corona virus updates), and one for stats (Worldometer). Yesterday I found a rad website for volunteer opportunities so if you want to help and don't know how, check out:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1n2LiCMgIdOXeGHZ6seckFPNxg_Uh_TdLkTI3m1m9lYI/edit?fbclid=IwAR2SCWENVbj3t3PrsRdwY_WwLlPLbxL8GRpeJgzAYJOmcx43xq5tvFvMiiE#gid=0 It's crowd sourced, so if you need volunteers, this is good for that too. Also, the Washington post came out with this "How you can help" article today. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/03/21/how-you-can-help-during-coronavirus/?arc404=true Also, if you are interested in learning more about the virus on a scientific standpoint, check out MedCram's youtube channel. Some of it is a bit dense, but the clear explanations and accompanying animation make it worthwhile. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQ_IRFkDInv_zLVFTgXA8tW0Mf1iiuuM_ On a more personal note, since my job is event-based, I have no stable work right now. I have been doing more freelance gigs, but need a lot more to make due during this statewide shutdown. For that reason, I made a new reel! It's short and sweet, but there is a lot of awesome stuff in there. Check it out!
If you are sitting on footage that you need edited, or want to film promotional material for a quarantine delivery service, or want a logo made and/or animated, or want to film a music video, or make a cat fashion show, or cooking from home show, or film your bassoon recital, or anything else you can dream up - I WILL BRING YOUR VISION TO LIFE!!! I have a million ideas too, so even if you don't have a specific idea yet, we can work on one together! Let's do this!
During this quarantine, I have been learning so much online with the Adobe Suite. One thing I started experimenting with is my buddy's drone footage in an inception-y way. Check it out! The song is called "Heater" by flume. â
Another fun thing that I've been messing around with is my gopro helmet attachment. Here's my ride to work on a nice sunny early dawn commute! Song - Luchini by Camp Lo, and Snow Tip Mountain Top by The Octopus Project.
This new year I have also been trying to skate as much as I can. Never stop pushing!! Here are some highlights since January 2020.
That's it for now, but I am working on a part with my buddy Duane, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, you can check out my insta and youtube to see more skate things.
Still rockin out most days of the week. Here are some fun things I caught on film.
I am also learning a lot about Ableton too. I have a Launchpad and a Launchkey that have been sitting around for way to long and I can't wait to come out with some vids about it soon!
I've been stayin busy dotting away. Started doin skateparks! Check it out below.
Here are a few others I've made in the last couple months.
That's it folks!!! Thanks for tuning in. Stay home, stay safe.
What a year! â62 skateboarding videos, got 43 skate photos, completed 36 art works, had eight art shows, went to Asia, created a huge dream of mine called Mongo Bean Bonk with some friends and family, got hired at Microsoft, and a bunch of other cool stuffs. I made a couple of wrap of videos, check it out.
I've been wanting to do this for over a decade. I feel so lucky that I was able to put together a crew to pull it off. 20 artists, 2 bands, skate contests, live painting, live tattooing, live caricatures, and so much more! It went so well!! We raised over $1100 for Mary's Place to battle homelessness in and around Seattle, and just about $600 for a DIY skatepark called Long Acres located in Renton. Thank you to all of our sponsors and everyone else involved for helping to make this as magnificent as it was. WE ARE ALREADY WORKING ON MONGO BEAN BONK 2 SO STAY TUNED AND GET STOKED!!!!
My favorites from the 62 clips from this year, scroll down to previous posts to see the rest. Since January, I've skated more than I ever have, and learned so much more than I ever thought possible. Skateboarding has been the most fun, therapeutic, rewarding, painful, exciting, most awesome art form that I have ever encountered. I'm sure I will be doing it until I can't.
This has certainly been the best art year ever as well. I've never made so many art pieces and had so many successful art shows in the span of 12 months! My buddy Andy and I hung our work up at the Bakeree, Jellyfish Brewing, Elliott Bay Brewing in West Seattle, Lowercase Brewing, Georgetown Liquor Company, Whistler Mountain, MONGO BEAN BONK, and Full Throttle Bottles. I dont have any artshows scheduled for 2020 quite yet, but I will soon and will let everyone know as soon as I can. If you have any ideas of places that need local art, or would like your own custom piece, let me know! You can hit me up anywhere, even through my site's Contact Form. Thank you!
Such a fun trip that I took with the lovely Leah Tiscione to visit her brother James and his wife Jing Jing.
Best year of my life so far. I cannot wait to see what 2020 brings. There are quite a few giant things up in the air at the moment, and I am so excited to experience, learn from, and tackle them full on with every thing I can possibly offer. My goal for 2020 is to update this blug every month so stay tuned!
SO MANY THINGS. It's been a bit - buncha new art pieces and art shows, new skate photos, hella skate clips, MONGO BEAN BONK, and much much more! First of all, I took my first trip to ASIA!!! My lovely girlfriend and I went and visited her brother his wife in Beijing, and then got to visit Seoul for a few days. I brought a gopro and filmed 10.5 hrs, then crunched it down to a lil over 7 minutes. Check it out!
Had a few shows since the last post! I got the honor to be a part of the Swatch Art and Soul show in Whistler, BC! I also showed my art at Jellyfish Brewing, Elliott Bay Brewing in West Seattle, Lowercase Brewing, Georgetown Liquor Company, and MONGO BEAN BONK. Right now, you can find my work at Full Throttle Bottles. With all this activity, I had to complete a bunch new pieces. Let me know if you want one! You can buy online here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/BoardsiDotAdmitOne
Also, I happily do commissions :)
Filmed a few time-lapses in the process too.
Been getting on my skateboard as much as possible. Big ol shout out to the folks that threw the Dead Baby Downhill, Capital Hill Block Party Jam, Southpark MIdsummer Bash, and Marginal Way's 15th Birthday Jam. Photos taken by Olga Aguilar, Jeff Daniels, Adrien Way, and Joebert. Thank ya'll so much!!!!
Here are some of the many instaclips of the skooterblading that went down in the last 9 months. Check out @Singlerstagram for more.
That's about it! Thank you for reading and checking out my shenanigans.
Ride on and Happy Holidays!!!! -J
So much to share! New adventures, skate clips, twelve new art pieces, five upcoming shows, Microsoft, Nightpants, Mongo Bean Bonk, and a bunch more went down in the last three months and I am STOKED about it. Thanks for tuning in.
Been Skatin'! Learned a bunch of tricks, got twelve new #instamoviemonday short adventure sessions completed, and have some photos taken by Jeremiah Keynor, Hector, and Adrien Way. So fun. Click a flick to enlarge.
Here are some rad missions from the beginning of 2019. For more, check out me Instagram
Been Artin'! The Bakeree show was a huge success. I was honored to have my work there from January to March. Since then, I've booked shows at four different venues, which makes five total for the rest of 2019. Ill be hanging my art up in Whistler Mountain, Full Throttle Bottles, Georgetown Liquor Company, Jellyfish Brewing, and Joe's Chocolates in the coming months. With this in mind, I've been snappin into artmode a lot more often and even filmed a bit.
Check out my ONLINE STORE if you are interested in purchasing what I have available, or if you would like to commission a piece, just hit me up on anywhere including the CONTACT PAGE of this site.
Also, some big news about an event that my buddy Andy and I are going to pull off. MONGO BEAN BONK. What does it mean? Doesn't matter. It's fun to say. For now, it's pop up artshow / miniramp jam / live music / food / live painting / fundraiser at the Pavilion located in Tukwila next to DieCut Stickers on the 27th of July. This thing is going to be so rad. So far, have the venue booked, 16 artists on board, 3 bands down to play, a huge miniramp, and much more already lined up. Stay tuned for more details coming to a social feed near you.
Been Jammin'! Mostly by myself with LoopyHD, a live looping app on me phone. It is so fun! Just walking around the jam room and picking up random instruments to make noise with and loop over each other. Even around the house! The silverware drawer makes an excellent snare, sharpening a knife has a cool highhaty sound to it, etc.. I highly recommend it to any musician. I exported some ideas for the future to record with proper equipment.
Also, my band NightPants is in full effect. More videos and songs coming soon!
Welp, I think thats about it. Thanks again for tuning in. Oh! And I got hired at Compass on the Microsoft campuses, recording thier meetings and lectures, broadcasting them all over the world for other Microsoft employees to check out live. Stoked for that too.
Ride on. âJ
Oi! So I don't blog that much anymore. Maybe I should start again. Sure. AAANNYYWAAYS my art is up at The Bakeree Seattle!!! It will be up for all of December and maybe a bit after. It looks like this:
Check it out, and pick up some greenery for the holidays! See something you like? Buy it here https://goo.gl/KLKVoJ, and swoop it up at their location in Georgetown, else I will ship it to you just in time for Christmas. 74 S Lucile St Seattle Wa 98134.
I've been chompin' at the bit trying to bang out as many pieces as I can for this show. It's hard work but it's finally starting to pay off. Here are some recent ones, some seen in the video above. Click to enlarge -
I also have had shows this past year at The Blu Grouse and Lowercase Brewing in Georgetown, Coindexter's Bar in Greenwood, Hot Java in Bremerton, and Seven Coffee Roasters in Ravenna.
Here's a video from the Lowercase show-
BIG NEWS: I just got confirmation on a solo art show in Pike Place market! Joe's Chocolates. Spring 2019. More details to come...
Been back on the board as much as possible too lately. Here's a few clips from the last couple of months.
Just last week thanks to Adrian Way, I got to skate the Die Cut Stickers ramp with a few buddies of mine. He took some rad photos and my buddy Nish got some of the clips:
Halloween was dope. Marginal had a thing. I dressed up.
Skated a few lime bikes.
Another thing I've been doing this past year is getting back into #instamoviemondays - short usually self filmed videos that I capture with my GoPro and throw together:
Fun Times!
Also had a killer trip to DC! I was sent there to webcast a Fred Hutch event about new HIV research. 'Twas rad. We had people watching in Kenya, South Africa, Zambia, and a bunch of other countries! While I was there, I went adventurin' as usual and filmed a bunch of stuff with my GoPro. Even got to skate a bowl that I skated years and years ago. ![]() <me. <bowl I skated years and years ago.
Working on coming out with another part here pretty soon too, let's saaaaaayyy by like summer-ish.
On the music front, I've been pretty active and enjoying the hell out of it. Nowadays, I haven't been making many tunes on my computer like I have in the past, but I've been jamming with a bunch of rad individuals and looping my own tunes with this dope app called Loopy HD. I'll post some of those soon. In the mean time, here's a clip from one of the last jams with Ian, Calum, and Dan. We're calling ourselves Nightpants.
We're workin on it.
Welp, 2018 is just about over. I can't wait. It has been the worst most difficult best most wonderful year that I have ever experienced. As hard as this year has been for all of us, I am excited about this new chapter of life and the new opportunities that present themselves when the times are right. Time always moves forward with experience as fuel. 2019 let's do this. Thanks for taking the time and sticking around and getting this far. Cheers to ya and ya fams. and ya yams.
Ride on. I'm not getting much skating in these days with a broken ankle, but I still got some other stuff done in the meantime. I received some skate clips from a marginal session from a buddy of mine that I turned into a little fun edit, made some art, and produced another track. Before I share all that, I made this: That's right! 25 Percent off of everything! Go to https://www.etsy.com/shop/SinglerShop to see what I have left. I got the idea from a buddy of mine who also has an etsy shop. He makes spoon art. Check it out here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ZiSpoons. Art. I managed to make some art this last month as well. One's just a random idea I had, and the other is a going away present for my girlfriend's best friend who was staying with us for a few months. If there's anyone reading this that wants some custom art done, just hit me up in theContact Section. Skateboarding. Here's that edit I was talkin about. Super fun times. This was filmed by Landin Williams. He's got a sick ass production company called The Machete Group. He met me at marginal way and filmed me foolin' around, took the footage and then made this little insta-clip. So I took all of the raw footage and made a longer edit for my YouTube Channel. Hopefully my ankle will be well enough to skate again soon so I can make more of these. Music. Made some tunes too. Checkadeecheck it. I got some more on the way and am also working on a live instrumental video project that will hopefully turn out super dope. More details coming soon. Alllllrighty then folks, thats it for now. Thanks for checking in and have a wonderful holiday! -J It's been a loooong four months since I've updated this thang, so I figured I would redo my whole website. I also took a trip to the east coast, went to Sweden, drove out to Spokane, was featured in 6 new videos, a bunch of photos, made 3 new art pieces, and composed a couple of new songs. SKATEBOARDING My shop sponsor, SNOCON, went out of business. They helped me pay for airfare to take a skate trip to the east coast, and went under about 2 months later. I gave them half of the photos that me and my buddy Eddie Think snapped on the east coast that they never used, so I thought I should unload 'em here: For more details about this amazing trip, just scroll down to my last post. I took a bunch of the footage we captured on the east coast and made my first full skate part! Check it out. We got footage from all over the place :) Just shortly after that, there was a super rad contest at the Ballard Bowl. Little rippers Griffin Chase and Payton Moriarity were KILLLLLLLIN it. 7 foot airs outta the deep end n shit! I didn't do too well in this one, but I got a good flick of a smith around the corner :) Around this time, my buddy Austin and me were stackin some funky clips around the city. He took all of the footy and made this short little video for Casual Industrees. There was a few rad jams at Marginal in the past months. As usual, hella people showed up and we all had a blast. We got some photos and some clips to remember it by.
Some time in between all of this, me n my buddy Sean filmed a little Marginal clip full of dorky shit. THEN I WENT TO SWEEDEN!!! It was fucking fantastic. My girlfriend Kim and I traveled all around the country visiting her family. I also got into the Bowlriders contest in Malmo! Shit was nuts. I didn't make it to finals, but the skaters that did were BUUUUCK. Soooo good! I made sure to take hella photos. When we got back, there was another awesome marginal contest, LORDS OF SEATOWN 2. Check out more photos here: http://juicemagazine.com/home/lords-of-seatown-2/ Not only is my ankle super sprained, but apparently I have a fractured fibula. It doesn't hurt too bad, but it's lookin like I definitely wont be skating for the next month or so :( On the brighter side, I'll be able to do more of this: Art Amongst all of this skateboarding, I managed to make some more art. Check it. And last but not least: Music That's all folks! Thanks for tuning in. Much more on the way....
-J #Morenewvidsflicksandstuffs. Just got back from a rad trip on the other side of the country! Went from Seattle > NYC > Baltimore > DC > VA Beach > Atlanta > Jacksonville > Philly > NYC > Boston > Seattle. So fun. I was gone for 12 days, got 41 usable photos, and flimed hellllla clips thanks to the one and only Eddie Think. I met Eddie in his home town of Amsterdam on a skate trip about 2 or so years ago and have always stayed in touch. A few months ago, he hit me up sayin that there were 2 seats left on a skate trip from NYC to FL that he was goin on in May and offered me a seat. Of course I said hell yea and bought my plane ticket as soon as I could, thanks to Casual Industrees and SnoCon. About a week before the trip, everyone but me and Eddie bailed, so me and him went down together and got uber-productive. Eddie took lots of rad skate flicks that I wish I could share, but I cant because they belong to SnoCon and Casual. They'll make there way online soon enough. Some photos got leaked tho, plus I always got me instagrams... We filmed a lot too. Rad videos coming soon.... CINCO DE FUCKIN MARGO!!! I look forward to this event every year. All you can eat tacos and beer for 20 bucks, live music, and one of the raddest sessions I've ever experienced. Adrien Way snapped some rad photos of the event and posted them here: http://DontSleepInk.Blogspot.com. Check em out! ![]() ![]() So that was fun. About a week before that, this dude named Quentyn Deady happened to be shootin flicks at margy when I was there so we shot these. All those benes were 3fliped into :) Last and not least, I'm currently working on a project with my buddy Landin who has a RED camera. Shits about to look real cool. We met up at seaskate one day and filmed this gem earlier in May... Alllllllllllllllllrighty then thats about it for now. Thanks for tuning in!
-J |
September 2021